Absolutely, we offer no questions asked hassle-free returns or exchange policy within 7 to 10 days of receiving your order. To facilitate a return or exchange, the order must be unopened and in its original packing for a full refund. The refund amount is only on the order value and does not include the shipping cost.
**The return/exchange policy excludes any product which has been customised or made to order or explicitly marked non-returnable on the website.**
You can also get in touch with us for returning or replacing any item if:
1) The product is damaged /defective.
2) Does not match the description given on the website.
3) The product received is of the wrong colour/size/quantity.
4) There are missing accessories/items/parts.
Please email us at nationalpurifier92@gmail.com for your return/replacement request along with your order details.
Once a return has been authorized by us then we would ask our courier partners to initiate a pickup. Please note you would need to pack the product and stick the address/return label before handing the product to our courier partner.
In case our courier partner does not have a return pickup service in your pin code, then we would let you know and you would need to arrange to self-return the products.
All returns should be sent to the following address quoting the order number
Shop No.8 Near Shiv Chatrapati Udhayan, Ramdara Road, Lonikalbhor Pune – 412201.
Upon receipt of your return items in our facility, our team will check the same and once accepted will authorize and initiate the refund process for all eligible items.
The refund will be Creadited within 7 working days to your Banking account. We would ask you to provide your Net banking details to facilitate an NEFT/UPI transfer of the amount.
National Purifier was incorporated in the year 2016 and carved a niche as the leading distributors, suppliers, service providers and traders of the wide range of Water Purifiers, Aqua Water Purifiers Sales and Services, Kent Water Purifier Sales and Services, Pureit Water Purifiers Sales, Sediment Carbon Filter Sales, RO Membrane Spare Parts, Alkaline RO Filter Sales, Water Purifier Machine Installation Services, Annual Maintenance Contract Service for Water Purifier Machine, RO UV Water Purifier Services, All Water Filter Kit Machine Services. We are also providing Installation Services for these products. Our products are services are high in terms of quality and comply with the specific quality standards and norms.
Shop No.8 Near Shiv Chatrapati Udhayan, Ramdara Road, Lonikalbhor Pune – 412201.
+91 7620912912 | +91 9518985225 (WhatsApp - 9 am to 9 pm )